About Us

This is just a short excerpt for the about page.

Hello, welcome to our blog.

We consist of a few foodies and basically a bunch of newbies in this vast world of blogging.

We are in no way experienced writers or photographers and we all have our day white collar/blue collar jobs, however, the one thing we have in common is food – we love food and living to talk about the experience. So, what better way to do so if not through blogging. Thank god we all have almost the same writing styles despite the difference in opinions, so the personal touches can still be maintained.

The focus of this blog will solely be on food, cafes and restaurants in Malaysia, mainly in Kuala Lumpur. While we will be penning loads of good stuff, we will also focus on the negative. We understand that by also focusing on the negative, we may offend or anger – but so is the way of life. After all, this is a BLOG – of personal opinions and not all opinions are pleasant. No matter what though, hopefully, whatever we write about would be an enjoyable read to you and in the process, we would thrive to always better ourselves. 

Happy reading & have a great day.